Tuesday 5 January 2016

History of Jerusalem

This article is regarded as a database to understand the reality of the Palestinian cause, and because we do not believe in absolute truths, and despite the reference to reliable sources in the selection of information, we can deal with him that infects human effort and faulting ..
History has thousands of writers, such thorny issues have thousands of aspects that you need to live on one of us lives his life to be able to see full-time in a series of events and the facts must be perceived by the Arab world.
In a journey through time to that spot, located in the southwestern section of the Levant, which is one of the oldest urban areas in the world, which originated at the boundaries oldest cities in history since the eight thousand years BC, the city of Jericho, which is still rife to construction and civilization This is our time.
To the land of Palestine religious stature great, they are the first kiss to the Muslims, and the second built God a mosque in the ground, and all well the land of Isra, and where was born and buried many of the prophets, and in the Islamic perspective is the land of the resurrection, and it has a great position in the heart of every Muslim.
Muslims believe that they are the heirs Aljderon inheritance of David and Solomon and the Prophets of Israel who ruled Palestine under the banner of Islam, as Muslims believe that Jews Tnkpoa right through, and distorted their books, and killed their prophets, and Baa indignation of God.
The general behavior of the Muslims was during their rule of Palestine behavior based on coexistence and tolerance over the years.
The land of Palestine is also holy to Christians, where Copts prepared cradle of their religion, wherein Jesus was born and has invited him, and by Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth, the great religious places.
As well as Jews prepared their promised land, and the focus of their history, and the shrine of their prophets, and Jerusalem and Hebron holy places.
Was the oldest people live Palestine they (the Canaanites), and who came from the Arabian Peninsula since the 4500 year, that's known as the land of Canaan, and the people of Palestine present are descendants of the Canaanites and their mingled after that of the peoples of the eastern Mediterranean the (Playset) or the Palestinians, and Arab tribes.
Although the Palestine ruled folks various, but the people have been traditionally occupied without interruption, and she converted the majority and become Arabicised language with the advent of Islam, which confirmed the Islamic identity of the land of Palestine as long historical period since the Islamic conquest in 15 AH - 636 m, and yet, not considered to conquer the Zionist occupation since 1948.
For otherwise concentrated mainly on the eligibility of the Zionist movement in the seizure of the land of Palestine and the establishment of a Jewish national state on its territory Tardan population of Palestine already in the country, that is the nature of the conflict, mainly centered around the so-called Palestinian cause.
The allegations historical right of Jews in Palestine scramble in front of the right of Muslim Arabs in their own land, children of Palestine did people of this land about 1500 a year of the establishment of Israel is a state built before (the kingdom of David).
Jews have been sentenced parts of Palestine about four centuries, and then their rule still remains as the rule of others Kalahurien Pharaohs, Persians, Greeks and Romans, while the Palestinian people remained firmly in the land, and the Islamic rule is the longest except for the Crusaders (90 years).
Link Jews to Palestine has cut about 1,800 a year, without having any political or cultural or where the presence of a lead, though more than 80% of the Jews Almasrien studies by a number of the most famous Jewish writer Arthur Koestler not be nothing historically Palestine any link.

As a national not be nothing Beni Israel, the overwhelming majority of Jews today date back to Ashkenazi, a Tatar old Turkish tribes living in the North Caucasus, and Thodt in the eighth century, it was right there for the Jews in Palestine, it is not, but in the south of Russia.
The reasons for the emergence of the Zionist movement, which sought to create the Zionist entity in Palestine to the emergence of conflicts after what he suffered Jews from persecution on the Russians hand, and after the movement of the failure of (Jewish enlightenment or Alhscal) which sought to integrate the Jews in the communities in which they live, called for Jews to return to the land parents and grandparents (Eretz Yisrael).
And despite the fact that this conflict is happening within a relatively small geographical area, but it has the political and media with great interest as it relates to the height of the problematic issues pose to the world of contemporary crises such as the conflict between East and West, and the relationship with religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam together.
And relations of Arabs with the West and the importance of Arab oil to Western countries, as well as to the involvement of many international parties and which support the colonial West such as Britain and others, which aims to dismantle Asia and Africa to prevent the unity of the Arab world and ensure to keep disjointed unable Renaissance, crouching in dependency circle, leaving a market for the consumption of Western products .
It also aims to prevent the emergence of a major Islamic Guo able to climb, I realized that the survival of the Jewish state linked to ensuring double what turned him from Muslim countries and disassembled and underdevelopment, as well as the rebirth of the nation and the unity of the Jewish equation associated with the fall of the Scarecrow and the elimination of the Zionist project.


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